What to wear for your next portrait session

One of the most common questions I receive when working with clients on portrait sessions is what they should wear. After all, you’re looking to make an impression — either with your current employer or with your future employer. Whether your photo is landing on LinkedIn, your website or business card, here’s a few tips to follow when picking out what to wear.

Keep it simple

Flashy, complex patterns have the tendency to photograph poorly. Furthermore, they distract from what you want the focus of the photograph to be, which is YOU!

I recommend wearing solid colors. If you do wear patterns, keep them subtle and simple.

If you’re wearing a suit or sport coat, a subtle pattern isn’t a terrible idea here either, as it can help to break up the solid color shirt you might be wearing underneath, and add some interest.

Turn down the volume

Just like when you need to mute your TV, muted colors work best for portraits. Wearing white, black or a light blue can really work great and help to lead the viewer to look at your face, rather than what you’re wearing.

Keep the big, flashy jewelry at home

Just like your clothes, it’s important to have your jewelry not distract from your face. Stay away from large necklaces or those with multiple colors. Instead, choose a necklace and earrings that look the part. Something you’d wear to church, a wedding or tomorrow at work.

Jewelry can help add some personality to your portraits, which is great. Just don’t let it take over and become the subject of your photo.

Men — the same goes for your ties. If you choose to wear one with your jacket, keep the flashy patterns away, and go with something subdued.

Make sure your clothes fit

This is a no-brainer. Stay away from loose-fitting clothes, and instead wear some that are fitted to you.


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