What background should you use for your next headshot?

It’s important to choose the right background for your headshot. It all depends on the purpose of the photo and what your brand is. If you’re with a company, you might have standards already set in place. But if you’re updating your LinkedIn photo, or need a portrait taken for a magazine, you can be a bit more creative. Here are some background options for your next headshot.

Solid color background

This is by far the most common background I run into with clients. While it’s not exactly exciting, it extremely versatile. It works with literally any outfit, and it helps draw attention to you. A solid color background is also perfect if you’re looking for consistent team headshots, as it helps everyone to have the same look and feel.

While I prefer a grey background when working with colors, black and white backgrounds can also work well, depending on the usage.

Outdoor environmental background

Some of the most fun photoshoots I’ve had are during outdoor portrait sessions. Coupled with a shallow depth of feel, you’ll be able to pop off the background like you would a solid color, but with more uniqueness and style. Outdoor headshots are often best early or later in the day, as this helps to avoid a harsh sun, providing for a softer light.

Indoor / office background

Taking headshots inside provides the perfect opportunity to show off your personality, without having to worry about the weather or temperatures outdoors. Your indoor background can be something as simple as a brick background, or something a bit more dynamic, with a plant and offices behind. The key here is to pick something that will allow you to shine, while still providing a bit of personality.

Ready to schedule your personal headshot? Contact me today!


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